to 2020-2021, i - Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, The achivement of the Erasmus + mobility activities for Key Action 1 requires and areas involved (ISCED codes), the duration, the institutional contact


16. máj 2010 Zoznam Erasmus+ študentov 2020/2021 ISCED codes 2013 - zoznam ISCED- F 2013 kódov (The International Standard Classification of 

Useful information to fill in the Learning Agreement correctly: Guidelines_study_2021-2022.pdf 2021/2022 Stand: 25. November 2020 Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ISCED Code 0311) – Erasmus-Code: DKONSTAN01 Fachbereichskoordinatorinnen: Hanna Schwarz (Master & im Bachelor für Belgien, Bulgarien, Estland, Frankreich, Irland, Lettland, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Inter-institutional agreement 2014/2015 - 2020/2021 between programme countries The Institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff In the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education In all aspects related to the organisation and Faculty of Economics and Administrationobjedinjen isced kod 041: 2 subject areas za skupni broj studenata: 34, 314 F 4 5 2021/22 17 Erasmus+ SMS - Skoda Auto Vysoka skola - EFZG - 041 Ekonomski fakultet Skoda Auto Vysoka skola Czech Republic 041 - Business and administration F, S 4 5 2021/22 18 Erasmus+ SMS - Univerzita Tomáse Bati Ve counselling (ISCED 1997); Department of Education F, S, T 2 5 2021/22 3 Erasmus+ SMS - Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - PRAVO - 0421 Pravni fakultet Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Austria 0421 - Law Faculty of Law F, S 2 5 2021/22 4 Erasmus+ SMS - Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz - 11/11/14 - SRI PARTENAIRES ERASMUS MOBILITE PREVUE 2014-2021 7/11 Pays Universités partenaires Code Erasmus+ Composante Département ou domaine d'études Niveau Code ISCED Durée de l'accord HONGRIE OBUDA HU BUDAPES16 IUT Psychologie et gestion des ressources humaines L 345 2014-2021 ALLEMAGNE Hochschule BremerhavenD BREMERH01 IUT TC L 041 2014-2021 Inter-institutional agreement 2014-2021 between programme countries Subject Area Codes ISCED Codes Erasmus Partner Institutions Giving lectures at NCU (STA - Staff Teaching Assignments) If you would like to enrich our offer with your lectures, NCU would be glad to host you in Toruń. Università degli Studi di Padova Bando Erasmus+ Studio mobilità a.a.

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2021/22 n_accor do CODICE ERASMUS Erasmus Code NOME UNIVERSITA' - CODICE ISCED - AREA DI STUDIO - CICLO (*) Name of the University - ISCED Code - Field of study - Cycle (*) DOCENTE RESPONSABILE Academic Coordinator N. POSTI N. of places NUMERO MESI PER BORSA n of months per place ISCED Codes; Erasmus Without Paper 25 Mart 2021 tarihinde Üniversitemizin Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü tarafından 2021-2027 yılları arasında Erasmus Publicada Convocatoria Proyectos Internacionales Erasmus+ 2021 26/03/2021 Publicada convocatoria ERASMUS+ Dimensión Internacional - China y Centroamérica- para PDI y PAS 23/02/2021 Publicada convocatoria SICUE 2021/2022 12/02/2021 Publicada convocatoria VISITAS DOCENTES ERASMUS+ (PDI UEx) - Proyecto 2020 11/02/2021 erasmus-plus/ erasmus-plus/partner-countries/incoming-students/ Poland University of Szczecin PLSzcz eci01 Humanitie s and Social Sciences Sociology (ISCED 0314) SMS: 1st 2nd STA STT EN-B2 EN-B2 2021-2027 SMS quota: 2students per semester; STA quota: 2x5days STT quota: 2x5days Application Deadline: Autumn Term: 1st August Arcada takes part in Erasmus+ programme and Arcada’s students can get an Erasmus grant for the Erasmus exchange. Here is important information for students going on Erasmus exchange. Erasmus code . Arcada’s Erasmus code is SF HELSINK39.



Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027; ECHE 2021-2027; Erasmus Partner Identification (PIF) ISCED Codes; Bilateral Agreements; INCOMING STUDENTS. Application; Nomination; Learning Agreement; …

Isced code erasmus 2021

November 2020 Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ISCED Code 0311) – Erasmus-Code: DKONSTAN01 Fachbereichskoordinatorinnen: Hanna Schwarz (Master & im Bachelor für Belgien, Bulgarien, Estland, Frankreich, Irland, Lettland, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Inter-institutional agreement 2014/2015 - 2020/2021 between programme countries The Institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff In the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education In all aspects related to the organisation and Faculty of Economics and Administrationobjedinjen isced kod 041: 2 subject areas za skupni broj studenata: 34, 314 F 4 5 2021/22 17 Erasmus+ SMS - Skoda Auto Vysoka skola - EFZG - 041 Ekonomski fakultet Skoda Auto Vysoka skola Czech Republic 041 - Business and administration F, S 4 5 2021/22 18 Erasmus+ SMS - Univerzita Tomáse Bati Ve counselling (ISCED 1997); Department of Education F, S, T 2 5 2021/22 3 Erasmus+ SMS - Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck - PRAVO - 0421 Pravni fakultet Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Austria 0421 - Law Faculty of Law F, S 2 5 2021/22 4 Erasmus+ SMS - Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz - 11/11/14 - SRI PARTENAIRES ERASMUS MOBILITE PREVUE 2014-2021 7/11 Pays Universités partenaires Code Erasmus+ Composante Département ou domaine d'études Niveau Code ISCED Durée de l'accord HONGRIE OBUDA HU BUDAPES16 IUT Psychologie et gestion des ressources humaines L 345 2014-2021 ALLEMAGNE Hochschule BremerhavenD BREMERH01 IUT TC L 041 2014-2021 Inter-institutional agreement 2014-2021 between programme countries Subject Area Codes ISCED Codes Erasmus Partner Institutions Giving lectures at NCU (STA - Staff Teaching Assignments) If you would like to enrich our offer with your lectures, NCU would be glad to host you in Toruń. Università degli Studi di Padova Bando Erasmus+ Studio mobilità a.a.

Isced code erasmus 2021

Arcada’s Erasmus code is SF HELSINK39. You can check our partner institutions’ Erasmus codes in our partner institution database. Erasmus Student Charter Università degli Studi di Padova Bando Erasmus+ Studio mobilità a.a. 2021/22 n_acc ordo CODICE ERASMUS Erasmus Code NOME UNIVERSITA' - CODICE ISCED - AREA DI STUDIO - CICLO (*) Name of the University - ISCED Code - Field of study - Cycle (*) DOCENTE RESPONSABILE Academic Coordinator N. POSTI N. of places NUMERO MESI PER BORSA n of months per ISCED mappings are the outputs of an collaborative process between the UIS and Member States to map national education systems according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). ISCED Code --> Erasmus Subject Code (EN) Isced Description Subj Code SC Text 09 Personal skills ERA-16.0 16.0 Other Areas of Study 9021 Physical Education, Sport Science ERA-16.1 16.1 Physical Education, Sport Science 9022 Leisure Studies ERA-16.2 16.2 Leisure Studies 9023 Home Economics, Nutrition ERA-16.3 16.3 Home Economics, Nutrition ΠΕΔΙΟ (isced code) MOBILITY NUMBERS/ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΙ ΚΙΝΗΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ 15 Universita degli Studi di Genova Italy 2021 Literature and Linguistics(French) 1 1 10 10 0 1 1 P D 16 UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE (PARIS IV) France 2020 Languages (French) 1 1 10 10 0 1 1 U P 17 Universite de Poitiers France 2020 Languages (French) 2 20 0 2 U,P 27/01/2021 10:54 ERASMUS + (SMS) A.A. 2021/2022 Dipartimento di Scienze economiche e aziendali Paese Sede ospitante Subject area code ISCED Area disciplinare Ciclo di studio UG: triennale PG: magistrale N. borse N. mesi Conoscenza lingua straniera raccomandata Info Sedi 1 Austria FH Joanneum GmbH 410 Business and administration Ug 2 5 Erasmus Code UNIVERSITA ISCED Code AREA ISCED 97 UNESCO AREA UNESCO STUD MONTHS T S/M/CU DOC Stipula SCAD Biologia D D KONSTAN01 Unviersitat Konstanz 4 13.1 Biology 421 051 Biological and related subjects 2 6 x x 12/12/2013 30/09/2021 Biologia D D ULM01 Universität Ulm 4 13.9 Life Science (Biology) 429 051 2020-2021 Erasmus Uygulama El Kitab ISCED Codes for Erasmus Agreements: Draft Erasmus Agreement ©YAŞAR UNIVERSITY, INTERNATIONAL OFFICE.
Tranås invånare 2021

2018 Erasmus + Uygulama El 2021 - 2027. Share this page European Education and Culture Executive Agency. This site is managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Related sites. Academic area: Languages (German) ISCED Code: 0230 Erasmus Academic Coordinator: Joachim Fischer Suitable for UL degrees: Applied Languages w/ German, European Studies w/ German, Arts w/ German Erasmus_ID Institution_Name Academic area Number of student places Breakdown A WIEN01 Universität Wien Political Sciences 4 2x10 ISCED-Code: 0313 - Dietrich Manzey1-2 Sem. SPRACHNACHWEIS: ZEMS Englisch B1 MSc. Sekr.

Home (ISCED 011).
Ssb bostäder

11/11/14 - SRI PARTENAIRES ERASMUS MOBILITE PREVUE 2014-2021 7/11 Pays Universités partenaires Code Erasmus+ Composante Département ou domaine d'études Niveau Code ISCED Durée de l'accord HONGRIE OBUDA HU BUDAPES16 IUT Psychologie et gestion des ressources humaines L 345 2014-2021 ALLEMAGNE Hochschule BremerhavenD BREMERH01 IUT TC L 041 2014-2021

ISCED-F 2013 (fields of education … Erasmus+ ISCED Codes (F-2013) Broad field Narrow field Detailed field 00 Generic programmes and qualifications 001 Basic programmes and qualifications 002 Literacy and numeracy 003 Personal skills and development 0011 Basic programmes and qualifications 0021 Literacy and numeracy 0031 Personal skills and development 2021-03-03 2021 - 2027. Share this page European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

Esso indica: il numero degli studenti e/o dei docenti/staff, le aree disciplinari ( codici ISCED-F 2013), la durata, i contatti e le altre informazioni da fornire 

Daher sollte ein Erasmus-Auslandaufenthalt früh, ca. ein Jahr im Voraus, geplant werden. Wichtige Hinweise zur Sicherheitsvorsorge vor der Ausreise und im Gastland entnehmen Sie bitte dem DAAD-Merkblatt . ERASMUS+ DOKTOREGOA-UPV/EHU 2021/2022. ERASMUS GOMENDIOAK.

16. máj 2010 Zoznam Erasmus+ študentov 2020/2021 ISCED codes 2013 - zoznam ISCED- F 2013 kódov (The International Standard Classification of  Corrispondenza tra codici ISCED e aree disciplinari Erasmus. Codice.